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Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

New Apple iPad Touch the Top Sales

There was a view that New IPAD IPAD only improvement from the previous generation.

VIVAnews - New iPad prove to be a bestseller on Friday. Hundreds of people in Asian countries are lining up in front of the store to be the first to get a tablet computer 4G.
For example, David Tarasenko (34), a manager in the construction field, states involved lined up to get the latest iPad it in front of Sydney's Telstra shop since midnight. In fact, David claimed could not wait to get a presence iPad from Apple Chief Executive, Tim Cook, announced the presence of third-generation tablet.
"When Tim Cook announced, it sounded like such a wonderful tool, I guess I really mendabakannya," he said as dukutip by Reuters on Friday, March 16, 2012.
IPad is a product of the progressive New Apple tablet, with a more powerful CPU and screen and better camera. "IPad is already a fairly mature product and it's hard to revolutionize further," said Dickie Chang, an analyst with research firm IDC, based in Hong Kong.
"It's slightly heavier than its predecessor and I think consumers in Asia will be more concerned about it," he said.
"Going forward, the control of Tim Cook, I think he might have to come up with another product for this mark. And it could come in the form of launching a smaller iPad with a longer battery life," he said.
Hundreds of people lined up at the launch of Apple, looking pleased when the store opened. "I've got the first edition but I missed the second. There is a big difference from (IPAD) first edition. Speed ​​of the processor, memory, graphics capabilities, and everything," said Michael Kelly in Sydney.
The launch is also pushing Apple shares hit record highs in trading in the United States on Thursday. Apple shares had even touched a record high of U.S. $ 600.01.
Just one month before the launch, stock prices had already started to exceed U.S. $ 500 for the first time. Even the share price has surged 45 percent this year. Even at the close yesterday, the stock price reached U.S. $ 585.56 or more expensive than the current Wi-Fi iPad launch is only U.S. $ 499.

Queue and smuggler
New iPad presence also resulted in a queue and wait for contraband. "After this, I would first open it and examine the iPad as beautiful as I thought. Then I will sleep," said Shintaro Aizawa, 16, who waited 15 hours outside the Tokyo store.
Just across the border from Hong Kong in Shenzhen city of China, people who want to get a new iPad tablet will have to wait to be smuggled into mainland China.
"We do not have the iPad 3, but a few more days will come when the students submit them to us. We will have more stock for this weekend," said store operators in Shenzhen.
"Customs are increasingly stringent, but if you take one at a border crossing, which is still pretty safe. At most, they will ask you to take it out of the box to prove that it was for his own use," he said.

Wall Street expects strong start for the new iPad, and some analysts even predicted to overtake sales of iPad 2 models. Apple will continue to sell the iPad 2 but the price fell by U.S. $ 100 to start from U.S. $ 399.
Canaccord Genuity Analysts expect Apple to sell 65.6 million iPad, and it will raise their price target on Apple shares to U.S. $ 710 from U.S. $ 665. So far, the company has sold 55 million iPad since its launch in 2010.
According to research firm Gartner, tablet sales are expected to increase to 326 million in 2015 with Apple's dominance in the market. iPad competes with Samsung Electronics the Galaxy and Xyboard Motorola.
The new iPad went on sale Friday in 10 countries, including the United States, Canada, Singapore, France and Britain, with a line up last night in front of Apple stores in Munich, Paris, London, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Innovation is not just Improvements
Meanwhile, the iPad is seen only as a third generation improvement, rather than a major innovation. The fix that is to screen high-definition "retina" and a better camera.
Portion of the iPad is similar to previous models, it is submitted by the company from California gadget repair, iFixit.
Before dawn the founder of iFixit, Luke Soules find a supplier of Apple, which is Qualcomm, Broadcom and Samsung have retained their key role in the new iPad.
According to iFixit, iPad including LTE mobile phone chip and modem Qualcomm Qualcomm for 3G and 4G wireless. Broadcom supplies the semiconductor handling tasks such as WiFi and Bluetooth wireless.
While the new iPad apply A5X processor, with enhanced graphics power that is based on energy-saving technology licensed from ARM Holdings UK and manufactured by Qualcomm, as in the last Apple devices.
Supplying parts for the iPhone and the iPad, considered to be a blow for chipmakers and other manufacturers.
Analysts recommend caution in drawing conclusions from rodent because Cupertino is sometimes used more than one supplier for the part. What is found in one of the iPad could not be found in others.
However, it remains a major source of information for investors interested in betting on Apple's suppliers, and the unexpected emergence of chip can move the stock.
iFixit says iPad display seems to be from Samsung. A NAND flash memory chips, used to store media such as music and video, supplied by Toshiba. (Adi)

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