The term hacker was born about the year 1959 from MIT (Massacusetts Institute of Technology), an American university that consists of intelligent people but tend not to trust in God (atheist). It was then that all started, of a new room, "EAM room" in Building 26 at MIT, a place which is the ancestor of the "new world" What we know today, where the ancestors of a machine which we now refer to as "computer", the machine that can take us to kelebihbaikan with freedom of information, the world of the true Hacker.
The Hacker always cooperate voluntarily resolve problems and build things. They always share information, give answers and racing to do their best to respect the environment.They never stop learning to be an expert and very anti to do something repetitive and boring. They are guided by the words of wisdom: "To follow the path - look at the experts - to follow the experts - to walk with the master - the master-be recognize the expert"
Meanwhile, the cracker busy to satisfy themselves with Cracking activity. ranging from breaking into your computer, spread the virus (without a purpose - there are some real hackers to write viruses, but with a clear purpose), to outsmart the phone (Phreaking).The Hacker referred to them as lazy people who are not responsible. So, it is not fair if we still think that hackers are evil and scary as it is very clear that Hacker Cracker is constructive while unpacking.
Want to become a Hacker? There is no hard words for those who want to learn. To be a hacker you have to master several languages and of course the attitudes that can make you welcome in their neighborhood. Usually, candidates start by learning the language Hacker [Python] because this language is the easiest programming languages belong.Discussion of these languages can you look at After that you also have to master [java] a little more difficult but it produces faster code than Python, [C], [C + +] at the heart of UNIX, and [Perl] ( and [LISP ] for the details.
After mastering all the basic capabilities above, candidates are advised to open Hacker sati open-source version of UNIX or LINUX study, read the code, modify and run it again. If you're having trouble, it is advisable to communicate with the Linux user club []
Attractive side of a Hacker is where they go hand in hand in solving a problem and build something. But unfortunately, the lives of those who spend 90% of their time to activities Hacking is not a good thing. If you really want to be a Hacker, be a good hacker ...
Levels Hacker In The World
Also known as 3l33t, 3l337, 31 337, or a combination of it; is spearheading the network security industry. They understand sistemoperasi outside in, able to configure and connect a global network. Capable of programming each day. A very natural gift, they are usually efficient and skilled, to use his knowledge to the right. They're like stealth to enter the system without the know, although they will not destroy data. Because they always follow the rules.
Semi Elite:
Hackers are usually more mudadaripada Elite.Mereka also have the ability and extensive knowledge of computers. They understand the operating system (including holes). Usually equipped with a number of kecilprogram enough to change the program exploits. Many published attacks by hackers this caliber, the Elite unfortunately they are often categorized Lamer.
Developed Kiddie:
This title terutamakarena this young age group (ABG) and still in school. They read about the method of hacking and how on various occasions. They tried a variety of systems to ultimately succeed and proclaim victory for those still using the Graph lainnya.Umumnya UserInterface (GUI) and just learn the basic of Unix, without being able to find a new hole in the operating system weaknesses.
Script Kiddie:
As developed kiddie, Script Kiddie usually do the activity above. As well as Lamers, they only have technical knowledge of networking is very minimal. Usually can not be separated from the GUI. Hacking carried out using a trojan to scare and lived most troublesome Internet users.
They are people without experience and knowledge who want to be a Hacker (Hacker wanna-be). They usually read or heard of Hacker & wanted to like it. Use of their computers mainly to play games, IRC, exchange prirate software, steal credit card.Usually done using a software hacking trojan, DoS nuke. Usually brag on IRC channel etc.. Because many shortcomings to achieve the elite, in their development will only be up to the level of developed or script kiddie kiddie course.
source : spyrozone
source : adsense-id?
source : 4.bp.blogspot
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