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Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

New iPad in the Eyes of the Blind

Jakarta - the latest generation iPad finally strolled in the world of gadgets. Various improvements, both in terms of hardware and Apple software has been immersed in the newest products. Then, if the third-generation tablet can also be enjoyed by gadgeters blind?
The presence of one of the iPad as a friendly device for people with special needs has begun to be felt since 2010. One of the audience are blind, who had the opportunity to experience the use of gadgets with touch-screen interface.
Although similar devices that explores the many powerful features, iPad is still the primary choice for the visually impaired. This is because the accessibility features that are easy to use and continue to be improved.
Michael Doise was one of the instigators of the visually impaired information technology, which until now faithfully use the iPad. When the latest generation iPad launch, he was immediately ordered, and write about the experience of the new tablet.
According to Doise, increasing the accessibility to the visually impaired that can be sensed using the latest generation iPad is not on the screen reader. As he acknowledges, Voice Over (default screen readeriDevice-red) is good enough to handle the scanning text into sound. Accessibility features has actually increased since buried in the retina display of this gadget, something that might escape from the view of ordinary users.
For information, blindness itself is divided into two, namely the totally blind (no view at all), and low vision (low vision). Well, most segments can feel the increase in the accessibility features of this time are those who are low vision, including his own Doise.
According to him, improved quality and resolution is not only beneficial for watching high-definition video, but also help with low vision to read and see more clearly. When operating the latest generation iPad application magnifying glass (magnification) for example, images and text that appears will look much clearer and clearer.
In addition, improving the quality of the camera is also pleasing users with low vision.They can use the latest generation iPad to take pictures more easily, because the size of a large screen can be used as a viewfinder.
In addition, the blind are also more easily scan the printed letters into digital documents, which can be read via the iPad. Prismo is one application that is often used to meet the needs of the visually impaired.
Another feature that can help visually impaired is the Dictation. So, the blind do not have too much trouble to type using the touch screen. Doise myself using the feature to write his experiences using the latest generation iPad.
"I also use it to write a message on Twitter. Although it is still less accurate, but it really helped me a difficulty entering text using the touch screen," he added.
Then, what about the features of LTE? Doise own choosing which only brings new iPad WiFi only feature. He said, the cellular network that supports 4G technologies have not been evenly distributed, even in a country the United States.
Opinion Writer
So, does this latest generation iPad Indonesia worth waiting for the visually impaired?The answer is yes and no, because it all depends on motivation is concerned with visual impairments. In addition, factors also determine the need for answering the question above.
I personally view that Apple is worth having a single blind active research and development working in information technology, and who want up to date with the latest gadget development.
However, for blind people who want to downsize and require only basic functions such as read with Voice Over, I would suggest not to rush to spend for the latest generation iPad.
If you only want to use the iPad for browsing or reading eBooks, I think iPad 2 is more than sufficient to meet those needs. In addition, the resolution still camera can also work well for scanning printed characters into digital documents.
Moreover, it seems useless to buy the latest generation iPad because there are many features that can not be put to good use, such as 4G LTE is still under preparation in Indonesia.
Unfortunately, Michael Doise not capture the experience of operating the latest generation iPad in video form. However, if you want to see what kind of iPad is operated by the visually impaired, you can watch a demo of the operation of the author iPad uploaded on Youtube via the following link.

RamadityaAbout the Author: Eko Ramaditya dictatorial are visually impaired blogger who enjoyedthe world of digital and information technology. Blog can be read in

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