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Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Buy 750 IBM patents Facebook

San Francisco - Facebook buy 750 patents from IBM technology companies. Purchase of this patent in order to strengthen up against a lawsuit that quite often hit the social media giant. Finally, Facebook sued by Yahoo.

IBM's patent covers a wide range of software and networking technologies. No mention is how much money is spent up to get IBM patents. Possibly in the range of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Facebook's new patent portfolios have a relatively small amount. Quoted from PCMag,Saturday (24/03/2012), Facebook has about 502 patents registered in the UnitedStates.

Currently, Facebook was busy with a lawsuit from Yahoo. Yahoo accused Facebookviolating 10 patents. As an Internet company that has stood in a long time, Yahoo hasabout 3,300 patents.

Facebook is considered necessary to strengthen itself in the matter of patents,especially since it will soon become a public company that sells its shares. And as the increasingly high popularity, Facebook sued himself admits more vulnerable.

"We expect the patent and intellectual property claims against us will grow," saidFacebook recently.

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