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Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

istimewa...Ponsel Android Kuasai AS & Eropa

Jakarta - Ponsel dengan sistem operasi Android makin dominan. Data terbaru menunjukkan, OS berlambang robot warna hijau itu kian banyak digunakan oleh penduduk di Amerika Serikat dan benua Eropa.

Pangsa pasar Android di beberapa pasar utama seperti Amerika Serikat, Jerman, Inggris, Prancis, Italia, Spanyol dan Australia tembus 50%. Hal ini terungkap dalam penelitian penjualan smartphone selama 12 minggu terakhir oleh biro riset Kantar Worldpanel Comtech.

Di semua negara yang disebutkan di atas, Android adalah OS paling populer. Penetrasi terendah di Italia dengan 49,6% dan yang tertinggi di Spanyol dengan persentase 84,1%.

"Kami melihat pertumbuhan penjualan Android dipicu oleh konsumen yang menukar feature phone ke smartphone. Android saat ini adalah platform paling mudah untuk upgrade, di mana pemakai pertama smartphone menyatakan harga dan kapabilitas multimedia sebagai alasan utama memilih perangkat Android," sebut Dominic Sunnebo, direktur Comtech. 

Dilansir Cnet dan dikutip detikINET, Jumat (13/7/2012), data Comtech menunjukkan bahwa orang dengan anggaran terbatas cenderung memilih Android yang menyediakan pilihan ponsel murah. Misalnya saja smartphone terjangkau seperti Samsung Galaxy Ace atau Y yang penjualannya bagus.

Di Amerika Serikat, Android meraih market share 50,2%. Namun perlu digarisbawahi bahwa angka tersebut menurun 6,8% dari tahun lalu. Penyebabnya adalah tekanan dari iPhone 4S.

Di negeri Paman Sam, pangsa pasar iPhone meningkat dengan kehadiran iPhone 4S yang tersedia di lebih banyak operator. Pangsa paar iPhone di AS saat ini 37,4%, meningkat 8,7% dari tahun lalu.

source : detik

Senin, 30 April 2012

History of Hackers

The term hacker was born about the year 1959 from MIT (Massacusetts Institute of Technology), an American university that consists of intelligent people but tend not to trust in God (atheist). It was then that all started, of a new room, "EAM room" in Building 26 at MIT, a place which is the ancestor of the "new world" What we know today, where the ancestors of a machine which we now refer to as "computer", the machine that can take us to kelebihbaikan with freedom of information, the world of the true Hacker.
The Hacker always cooperate voluntarily resolve problems and build things. They always share information, give answers and racing to do their best to respect the environment.They never stop learning to be an expert and very anti to do something repetitive and boring. They are guided by the words of wisdom: "To follow the path - look at the experts - to follow the experts - to walk with the master - the master-be recognize the expert"
Meanwhile, the cracker busy to satisfy themselves with Cracking activity. ranging from breaking into your computer, spread the virus (without a purpose - there are some real hackers to write viruses, but with a clear purpose), to outsmart the phone (Phreaking).The Hacker referred to them as lazy people who are not responsible. So, it is not fair if we still think that hackers are evil and scary as it is very clear that Hacker Cracker is constructive while unpacking.
Want to become a Hacker? There is no hard words for those who want to learn. To be a hacker you have to master several languages ​​and of course the attitudes that can make you welcome in their neighborhood. Usually, candidates start by learning the language Hacker [Python] because this language is the easiest programming languages ​​belong.Discussion of these languages ​​can you look at After that you also have to master [java] a little more difficult but it produces faster code than Python, [C], [C + +] at the heart of UNIX, and [Perl] ( and [LISP ] for the details.
After mastering all the basic capabilities above, candidates are advised to open Hacker sati open-source version of UNIX or LINUX study, read the code, modify and run it again. If you're having trouble, it is advisable to communicate with the Linux user club []
Attractive side of a Hacker is where they go hand in hand in solving a problem and build something. But unfortunately, the lives of those who spend 90% of their time to activities Hacking is not a good thing. If you really want to be a Hacker, be a good hacker ...
Levels Hacker In The World
Also known as 3l33t, 3l337, 31 337, or a combination of it; is spearheading the network security industry. They understand sistemoperasi outside in, able to configure and connect a global network. Capable of programming each day. A very natural gift, they are usually efficient and skilled, to use his knowledge to the right. They're like stealth to enter the system without the know, although they will not destroy data. Because they always follow the rules.
Semi Elite:
Hackers are usually more mudadaripada Elite.Mereka also have the ability and extensive knowledge of computers. They understand the operating system (including holes). Usually equipped with a number of kecilprogram enough to change the program exploits. Many published attacks by hackers this caliber, the Elite unfortunately they are often categorized Lamer.
Developed Kiddie:
This title terutamakarena this young age group (ABG) and still in school. They read about the method of hacking and how on various occasions. They tried a variety of systems to ultimately succeed and proclaim victory for those still using the Graph lainnya.Umumnya UserInterface (GUI) and just learn the basic of Unix, without being able to find a new hole in the operating system weaknesses.
Script Kiddie:
As developed kiddie, Script Kiddie usually do the activity above. As well as Lamers, they only have technical knowledge of networking is very minimal. Usually can not be separated from the GUI. Hacking carried out using a trojan to scare and lived most troublesome Internet users.
They are people without experience and knowledge who want to be a Hacker (Hacker wanna-be). They usually read or heard of Hacker & wanted to like it. Use of their computers mainly to play games, IRC, exchange prirate software, steal credit card.Usually done using a software hacking trojan, DoS nuke. Usually brag on IRC channel etc.. Because many shortcomings to achieve the elite, in their development will only be up to the level of developed or script kiddie kiddie course.

source : 
source : adsense-id?
source : 4.bp.blogspot

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Facebook Rapikan Alamat Email Pengguna - Facebook selama ini telah menyediakan opsi untuk memiliki profil dengan nama khusus dan email. Meski, mungkin tidak semua user mengaktifkan opsi itu. 

Kini, Facebook telah mengumumkan bahwa nama pengguna untuk alamat profil  dan alamat email itu akan dibuat konsisten. 

Contohnya, pengguna dengan alamat profil akan memiliki email 

Hal ini tidak berlaku bagi mereka yang sudah mengaktifkan alamat email mereka sebelum peraturan baru ini diumumkan. 

Untuk memiliki username yang akan digunakan untuk profil dan alamat email, pengguna bisa mengakses: "".

Alamat email "" itu bisa menerima pesan dari layanan email apapun. Untuk membaca dan membalasnya, pengguna bisa memanfaatkan fitur Messages di Facebook. 

Untuk mengaktifkan fitur email "", pengguna bisa mengakses General Account Settings, klik bagian Email dan klik Activate Facebook Email

Di sisi lain, Cameron Scott, dari ComputerWorld, mempertanyakan masalah privasi dari email Facebook ini. 

Karena alamatnya akan sama dengan username di profil publik, orang (atau spammer) akan mudah mengetahui alamat email pengguna Facebook.

Sumber :
The Australian

sumber :

Minggu, 08 April 2012

Ini Dia Tanda-tanda Kecanduan Akut Facebook

Gothenburg - Facebook bikin orang kecanduan. Riset membuktikan, begitu banyak pengguna yang buru-buru ingin login ke Facebook begitu mulai menyalakan komputer.

Perilaku ini disimpulkan sebagai gejala ketergantungan (adiksi). Imbasnya, bisa bikin sang pengguna menderita dan tak bahagia dengan kehidupan nyatanya.

Penelitian yang dilakukan Universitas Gothenburg ini mengambil polling 1000 orang yang berusia 18 tahun hingga 73 tahun di Swedia.

Hasilnya, 85% dari pengguna mengaku mengakses Facebook tiap hari, dan separuhnya mengaku langsung start Facebook-an begitu mereka membuka web browsernya.

Setengah dari responden mengaku khawatir mereka 'tak jadi bagian penting' di Facebook jika mereka tidak login, dan 25% merasa resah jika tidak login secara reguler.

Seperti dikutip detikINET dari Daily Mail, Senin (9/4/2012), pengguna Facebook lebih banyak dari kaum wanita. Dilaporkan, pengguna aktif jejaring sosial itu juga lebih banyak datang dari kalangan berpendidikan rendah serta berpenghasilan kecil.

Di sisi lain, masih dari hasil riset itu, Facebook tak sepenuhnya dinilai negatif karena bisa jadi ajang untuk pencitraan positif dan menjalin relasi bersama teman dan keluarga.

"Pengguna tak menulis tentang segalanya di Facebook. Mayoritas konten yang di-sharing masih berkaitan dengan event besar, event positif, dan ketika sedang merasa baik-baik saja. Cuma 38% yang menuliskan emosi negatifnya," kata Leif Denti, salah satu peneliti.

sumber :

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Microsoft Introduces 11 Kinect-Based Startups

Microsoft probably had no idea its Kinect motion-based gaming device could be hacked and utilized for various situations beyond video gaming. The company launched the Kinect Accelerator program back in November in a mission to help these cottage hackers take their Kinect development even further. The chosen startups will work closely with mentors from Microsoft Research, Microsoft Studios, Kinect for Windows, and the Xbox team as they provide support and knowledge.
The Kinect Accelerator program received almost 500 applicants, winnowing the selection to 50 before finally settling to 11 groups–one more than their original plan of taking 10 groups under their wing. These groups hail from across the globe and will receive $20,000 and office space, as well as Kinect hardware and development software to turn their ideas into reality.
Microsoft did not reveal what exactly each team is working on, only hinting that their Kinect-based programs would benefit the medical, retail, fashion, and even farm industries. The specifics of their startups would be revealed once the mentorship program concludes.

source :
Source: Engadget 


People are getting more and more acquainted with portable action cameras, especially the sporty types. It allows them to record action video of their exploits from their own point of view of the action. While there can be a limited number wearable action cameras available, it is by any means a growing market that has attracted other makers into the fold. One of those who will be in this mix is ION as it introduces its new ION Air Pro POV Camera.
The new ION Air Pro POV Action Camera is an action camera that allows users to shoot HD video while also sharing it with friends online in real time. It is one of the very first smartphone compatible action cameras in the market. It is both compatible with iOS and Android devices. It can be attached conveniently on a bike mount or in any type of helmet via its CamLOCK System. It also comes with a rechargeable battery that’s good for up to 7 hours of recording time. WiFi capability allows this camera to wirelessly connect with a smartphone and share what it sees to people online in real time. Consider it as a portable HD Action Webcam that you can connect to your smartphone. The ION Air Pro PIV camera is now available in the market and will go for around 229 UK Pounds or US$365 for only the camera. The full WiFi version of the camera will cost around 299 UK Pounds or US$475 when it comes out next month.

source :
Image Source: ION

Epicurious iPad App

Getting that urge to cook something can happen anytime. But what to cook at a certain time and with what’s available is always a challenge for some people. For those who would wish to have this resolved can always have this Epicurious iPad app handy.
The Epicurious iPad app is a very useful tool to have around the kitchen or pretty much anywhere else where food and cooking is concerned. First and foremost, it provides iPad users with the access to around 30,000 professionally created and tested recipes, all presented in a convenient cookbook layout. It also provides users with other handy tools such as what cooking options they have with what stuff is currently available in their fridge. Users can simply type in the ingredients that they currently have and the Epicurious app will provide a number of possible recipes that they can conjure up for the day’s menu. If there is something missing, the app can make up a shopping list for them the next time they head out to the supermarket.
The Epicurious app also provides users with nutritional information for the different recipes in store. That is why it may also be a handy app for the health conscious set that always looks out for what they eat or cook. Users can also save and share their favorite recipes via their preferred social networks.

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